Ayurveda Therapies

To obtain any of the Ayurveda therapies, an initial consult must be taken for new clients, or an extended return consult for clients who have not seen me in the past 6 months. The Ayurveda therapies form part of your holistic treatment plan. All treatments will use herbs and oils specially blended by me to meet your individualised health needs.

Ayurvedic Therapies - 60 mins |  $230 each

  • Marma Abyanga

    Abhyanga is a cornerstone Ayurveda Swasthavruta (general health practice) and prescribed as a routine practice in the ancient texts.

    Specially decocted herbal oils customised to your dosha prakruti (balanced) and vkruti (imbalanced) state are massaged in to the legs, back, stomach, shoulders and arms.

    The techniques utilised help energise the Marma energy points and allow the therapeutic constituents of the warm herbal oils to penetrate into the body tissues.

    Indicated for chronic fatigue syndrome, long covid, blood and lymph circulation, improving texture and complexion of skin, dislodge trapped toxins, balancing of Dosha’s, support the endocrine and nervous systems.

  • Udwartana Exfoliation

    This treatment consists of a herbal scrub massage using herbal powder or herbal paste. The herbs used are specifically selected for your individual health needs. This treatment helps removed stagnant Ama/toxins and stimulate the lymphatic system. Indicated for general detoxification and weight loss.

  • Pinda Sweda

    Numerous health complications begin due to accumulated Ama / toxins congesting the circulatory and lymphatic system causing systemic inflammation. Pinda Sweda helps loosen and remove these accumulated Ama / toxins.

    The treatment consists of warm boluses of Ayurvedic herbs, together with herbal oils massaged into the body. The treatment is designed to detox, invigorate and nourish the body. It helps stimulate blood flow and soothes the nervous system. Pinda Sweda is indicated for chronic fatigue, improved immunity, stress and tension.

  • Kati Vasti Treatment

    The first half of the treatment consists of warm herbal oil pooled in a dam made of herbal paste on the lower back. The pooled oil is then removed, and the lower back and spine are massaged to finish the treatment.

    Soothes backache, chronic fatigue syndrome, excess Vata conditions like joint aches and lowered immunity. Indicated for Sciatica, Sacro iliac joint pain, Spondylosis and Coccydynia.

  • Janu Vasti Treatment-

    The first half of the treatment consists of warm herbal oil pooled in dam made of herbal paste on the knee. The pooled oil is then removed, and the legs are massaged to finish the treatment.

    The knees take on a lot of stress from weight bearing. This treatment helps soothe, nourish and rejuvenate the knee joints and surrounding tissues. The treatment is also indicated for knee disorders such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle, ligament and cartilage damage.

  • Shirodhara

    Warm herbal oil is continuously poured onto the 3rd eye chakra to help soothe and release any energy blocks.

    The carefully selected herbal oils help soothe and nourish the nervous system. This calming relaxing treatment helps relieve stress, anxiety, nervous tension, fatigue and migraine headaches.

  • Shiro Abyanga

    Specially blended herbal oils are applied on the head, neck and shoulders using relaxing massage techniques which activates the Marma energy points in this area.

    Shiro Abyanga treatment soothes and nourishes the nervous system, skin and improves muscle tone. Indicated for stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, hair loss, neck pain, bruxism and headaches.

  • Yoga Nidra

    Yoga Nidra

    Yoga nidra is a technique that puts you into deep relaxation that is between sleeping and waking. In this state of relaxation we can use our body's own inanate ability to heal by releasing trapped energy, tension and toxins. By doing so we are able to support rejuvination on a cellular level.

    This therapy is ideal for those with stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue or for overall health maintenance.